Thursday, March 30, 2006

tomorrow and care

There are a lot things I am thinking about right now.

My presentation.
What I will wear.
What I will say.
If it will go well.
What people will think.

Today I was thinking that I really miss being taken care of. That's what is so nice about going home for a few days (not that I can do that.. but I digress) having someone take care of you. I also think that's part of the reason why people decided to form longterm partnerships - to have someone take care of them.

Now don't get me wrong - if someone tried to take care of me all the time I would go crazy. I am super independent and I don't need someone to take care of me - I am more than capable of taking care of myself and do not a bad a job of it - however - that doesn't mean that from time to time for an evening or a day - I wouldn't mind just feeling safe and special without having to worry about anything. Not my messy apartment, not my schoolwork, not my future, not my problems, just to be safe and special and taken care of.

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