Saturday, March 11, 2006

tabby cats and TAing

There are many types of cats.

The only type I could have identified prior to three days ago was a siamese. Now I (think) I could identify a tabby cat. That is because I am currently feeding two tabby cats. There are two super cute tabbies - one of whom is super friendly and the other who does not really like anyone. however - since I have started feeding her she has become considerably more friendly towards me.

Now it is very late (and by very I mean 11:30 at night) and so I am going to sleep. I was hoping to mark all my midterms today - but I marked 2/3 so I will do the rest tomorrow/monday...

The prof whose class it is doesn't ever seem to return emails on the weekend which is massively inconvient for me. I understand the desire to take a break on the weekend and that maybe it is not a good thing that our society has put people on call 24/7.... However - he should at least reply emails from his TAs :)

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