Sunday, November 13, 2005

upon returning from van-city. yes. they really do call it that.

quickly now children. quickly.

school - i am going to die. let's just leave it at that.

what else.

vancouver fucking rocked my world man!!

new things I love:
25th and main
spoken word poetry
shane and other assorted hippies
gastown at night and twinkle lights
gas stations in the ocean (though i'm aware this might not actually be a good thing)
all things organic
bruce lee

also - my wintering in europe trip has now been expanded to include belfast. so it's now geneva, belfast, and budapest. sadly - these cities are no where near each other. and i'm a grad student who is supposed to be doing school.


at this moment. life is good.

as are chai eggnog lattes. mmmmm....

oh well. Grey's anatomy tonite. SWEET!

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