Tuesday, November 22, 2005

pretty blah.

diva cup = super cool

watching house. met a cute boy in virtual reality.

also - when i'm 40 i want to look like sela ward and i want to marry someone who looks like (and talks like) hugh laurie.

at the moment i have a rather unattractive pimple. that's unfortunate. i also really really want orange juice. but i don't have any. that makes me sad. wow. my life is just hard at the moment.

mp has started her blog again. i would like to think that i was the inspiration behind this. but i won't give myself that much credit. today i had a turkey sandwich for brunch and a tuna sandwich for dinner. I should probably try to eat properly tomorrow. balance out today.

so today was not really a great day. not a bad day. but not a great day. i think i'm just tired.

1 comment:

MP said...

You are my inspiration for everything. When I behold the glory of a sunset or the awe of a brisk running stream, I think of you and continue in my quiet and somewhat sketchy conemplation of being.