Thursday, April 13, 2006

in line at the grocery store.

today I was in line at the grocery store and the woman ahead of me in line... her brother lives on the same street as my parents in Toronto.

It's not really the unbeliveable coincendence of this... it's that in our 45second conversation we managed to unearth this piece of information. I love humanity.


kristen said...

It's so strange what comes out in conversations...I might have to start talking to more people at grocery stores. The problem is, there are some really weird people at our "inner city" grocery stores...though Loblaws seems to be a touch less weird than Loeb.

Anonymous said...

props to joicey -
i saw AH in toronto walking down grey or one of those streets.
crrrrrrrrrrrrraze i tell you
i went to the new sbux, i hate it, i also hate the bathurst wilson one... i am starting to get over sbux?! NO. can't. be. happening.