Sunday, December 11, 2005

my dream from last night

okay. here is my dream.

aes and i were going to go to a movie, but in order to do so we had to ditch a.j., b.p., and s.b. and then we were all going to meet up later downtown.

but then there was a problem and we couldn't see the movie. so we were going to take the bus to D.'s house and have him drive us downtown. and then we somehow met up with a.j., b.p. and s.b. and we all ran together to catch the bus. so then we were all taking the bus to D.'s. so i'm all worried that we are going to miss his stop, aes is pissed off because now that everyone is there she wants to drive her own car and not be on the bus, and i'm freaking out b/c aes is all upset and b/c D. doesn't know we are coming, plus now that there are five of us, we won't all fit into his car.

a second part of the same dream involved me running through a train station with my sister - we had to catch a train on the 3rd level and there were three groups of us running for it. and she kept stopping and like fixing her clothes and asking random people for fashion advice and i was about ready to kill her. we totally missed at least one train. but i don't really remember the rest.

okay. so apparently i am now having anxiety dreams about my friends, family, D. and transportation. i'll never be able to function normally in society again. (this of course suggests that i once had that capacity....)

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