Tuesday, December 20, 2005

d.s. and FTM

okay. so school is done. pretty much. which is good. well just done for now. it will start again soon. it never really goes away.

last night i went to safari with d.s. and j.l and a.h. it was fine. nothing too exciting. seriously - i think that d.s. and i should only ever talk on the phone. i think that that's it what is required to make our relationship (which i enjoy) work. b/c otherwise i don't enjoy it. anyways....

today his parents are having a christmas party which i am invited to. apparently L. is going to I will try to call him and hopefully hang out with him tonite... we'll see.

if i had a childhood friend who turned out to be gay - i would be totally okay with that. i can't imagine not be. but what if i had a childhood friend who decided to change gender. if little jane became big john. or something like that. i mean - obviously i would like to think that i would be totally okay with that - but do you ever really know? i guess it also depends on who the person is. because you would have had to be close enough that you're not just like "random, cool!). if you heard a childhood friend was getting married, you would be happy for them. well this is at least as significant a life change, but i don't think most people would have that immidiate "happy" reaction. it would be more reserved. even uncertain. do people have "so i'm a man now!" parties? do you give gifts of powertools and boxer shorts? does hallmark make a card for this sort of thing?

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