Saturday, June 16, 2007

If not me, then who?

This past week has been very strange because I haven't felt at all like myself. Now this was puzzling to me, because clearly I am still me. But I didn't feel like me. I felt like the regular me emerged several times a day to express frustration with how the current me was behaving, but was unable to do anything about it.

Now, today I have once again begun to feel like myself, which is a welcome relief from feeling like the non-me. Hopefully I can manage to continue to feel like me.

The feeling that I have less control over my thoughts/feelings/actions - even though it is still clearly me controlling all these things - but it's like looking at yourself through a smudged window so all of your movements are sluggish, akward and inaccurate and you can't make yourself behave quite properly.

On an unrelated note: I remember growing up my parents getting upset with my sister when she was out with a cell phone and turned it off so they couldn't call. Well geez louise parents - when you go out with a cell phone - keep it turned on so important people (like me!) can call you! sheesh.


Anonymous said...

By golly I like the regular you, and if your parents won't start acting their age then gee willikers you'll just have to straighten them out.

kristen said...

now aren't those cell phones just the greatest things since sliced bread? (or are they the bees knees...)