Tuesday, January 23, 2007

My name is Liz and...

I'm an Advic-o-holic.

Yes - that's right. Everyday I read advice columns. Some days I read only one. Other days I read up to four. It all depends on the day of the week. Wednesday and Thrusday are the most popular days for new advice columns. Dear Abby is the only one I read published 7 days a week. I don't know why I do this. It's not like I need advice. In fact, I think I do a pretty okay job and solving my problems and helping others with theres. And yet I have this obsession, compulsion, addiction (call it what you will) with advice columns. However, admitting your problem is the first step. And not only have I admited it, but I have helpfully added a new links section on the right-hand side directing you to some of my favourites (there are one or two I read not yet listed). So enjoy - but remeber to do so in moderation.


Kirst said...

I think everybody has something they are addicted to. It could be worse, like ice cream. That is bad for you.:)

--Nathan-- said...

are you wanting advice to cure your advice column obsession?

liz said...

1) I am also totally addicted to ice cream :)
2) (lol) I am so going to write to Dear Abby and see what her take on my problem is!
3) you say it like it's a bad thing...

Alex said...