Friday, January 19, 2007

I wanna be Izzy! (but for now I guess I will have to forgo the gorgeous looks, medical degree, $8.7mil and settle for the baking)

Yesterday I baked!

I tried two recipes from my "so you're in collge and you are an idiot and slowly straving to death and please for the love of god show me how to make something edible" cookbook*. I made nutty, toffee, chocolate square things and lemon bars. The former were fine but I do not think I would make them again. And the latter were quite good and I do think I would make them again. Also - my friend Amanda recommend for recipes and it's a pretty sweet website - so the next time I cook I think I will look there for inspiration.

*not really the title of the cookbook


Kirst said...

The way I see it you have a boyfriend who should be cooking for you. I think you should take advantage of his skills.

liz said...

My fabulous boyfriend does cook for me whenever he has the time (so rarely, but I digress). And seeing as how this was his birthday weekend I thought it only fair that I return the favour (the baking was my warm-up to get me in the "cooking spirit")!

Alex said...

i adore izzy.
but you, you are a real person, and she is merely a grey's character. so i think you win.
i am going to try and call you later and hopefully not interupt the birthday weekend :)