Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Reason #148 why I have issues

Last night I went to the store because I was out of milk.
This morning, I woke up to discover the milk sitting happily on the kitchen counter.
Who forgets to put milk away??


Alex said...

hahaha i love you so much for that

Faye said...

I've taken a large bag of chicken breasts out of the freezer, only to find it still on top of the freezer 2 days later. EEWWW!

--Nathan-- said...

I did the exact thing last week except for instead of milk it was a tub of rolo ice-cream... i woke up the next morning and was so very sad... first it was rolo ice cream that could have been in my belly and second rolo ice cream isnt cheap.

Anonymous said...

i have come into the kitchen many a morning and known immediately what jordan had eaten after i went to bed...

Alex said...

rolo is so good. that makes me sad for you :(

--Nathan-- said...

I KNOW!!!!! whats scary is that fully "thawed" rolo icecream is still some what solid... shows you how much crap is in it... oh and i forgot to mention it wasnt JUST rolo ice cream it was rolo "fully loaded" ice cream

Anonymous said...

fully does not sound like something ice cream should be, but it does sound delicious.

Anonymous said...

First off, Rolo is gross no matter if it's in ice cream form or not. Secondly, this has to be the fourth of fifth time you (Liz) have left out perishable goods. That includes at least one other milk incident that I can remember. I would laugh except that you obviously haven't learned from your mistakes. Maybe the milk was laughing since it was "sitting happily." I will never drink milk at your place again. Actually I don't think I ever have since you buy skim.

liz said...

you know what you did there? you changed me from looking adorably absent-minded to chronologically forgettful and worthy of scorn. and for the record, it's not like I put the spoiled milk back in the fridge, so I hardly think your theorectical refusal to drink my milk is justified.

Anonymous said...

You are correct, I didn't mean to imply that you would put the milk back in the fridge. I also didn't mean to scorn you. I'm sorry. That's right I said it, but don't get used to it, it'll be a long time till I have to say it again.

Alex said...

scorn on you for making rude comments about rolo
vive le rolo!!!!!!!!!!
( i want xmas ice cream now)

Anonymous said...

liz- just blame it on the academia. the stereotype of the absen minded prof. exists for a reason ;-)