Wednesday, January 25, 2006

polisci thoughts.


just to set the record straight. just because stephen harper had asthama and walks his kids to school doesn't mean he is a good person - or the kind of person i want leading my country.
what is does mean is that it gives canada a minute to regroup and the liberal party/NDP a chance to develop a new vision - which they can use to ultimately make Canada a stronger country.

There is a theory in CanPolitics that Canada is a Liberal Country - in that historically speaking it has been governed by liberal rule with a couple breaks when Conservatives governed - which i think is true.

anyways - as for Paul Martin stepping down... I really like Paul Martin as how I percieve him to be as a person - however - I get why he did it - better to resign with dignity than be forced out (Jean Cretian). But yes. I wish that history had been different to Paul Martin. and that he had had a chance to be the type of leader which he was capable of being.

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