Tuesday, March 20, 2007

quote of the day

On life some generally: Every person, all the events of your life are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you.

On writing: RB: That is so true. Very often you need to get networked into "Don’t care." If we think that we must be erudite, intellectual, and must never be seen as foolish, you’ve really started out on the wrong foot as a writer. Most new writers do just that. It takes a lot of experience to learn that the gift I have to give is my foolishness. It’s the craziness of my ideas that make them interesting, make them worthwhile. Once we learn to relax and not to worry about how the reader, the editor, or the publisher thinks of us. Then we can get down to the interesting writing.

Richard Bach

most famously author of Jonathan Livingston Seagull, and author of "A Bridge Across Forever" my favourite book about love, fate and soulmates when I was a starry-eyed, daydreaming 13 year old.

At some point in the future I might actually post something that is not an image or a quote. In case anyone was wondering.


Alex said...

are you not still starry-eyed and day dreaming?

i have this horrible pang of nostalgia right now... i want to lie on a grassy hill again and wonder what might my life might be like - let's do that this summer ok? :)

liz said...

you're right - I am still starry-eyed and daydreamy - but not in an "I'm waiting for my soul mate to come complete my life and give it meaning" sort of way. (I seem to be managing that for myself just fine!)

Okay. :)

Alex said...

good - i don't want to you become bitter and jaded.. or judgmental!