Tuesday, June 27, 2006

wedding presents

Today I was sitting at the breakfast table with my sister (and by breakfest I mean kitchen table at breakfast time) and realized that she has become really really pretty. I think she is one of those people who really just grew into themselves, and it made me really happy.

My second thought is about weddings - specifically wedding gifts - and what is the appropriate amount of money to spend on a wedding gift (this is especially pertinent at the moment as I have to give a wedding gift to people who I know would perfer money to an actual gift). I was thinking $200 but everyone I have talked to (which is 3 people) think that is ridiculous and suggested more like $50-$100 (this is not a really good long-term friend). However, theorectically I would spend $40 on a birthday gift for this person so shouldn't a wedding gift cost more? Or have TV and movies set in Manhattan given me a false impression of the appropriate value of such a gift?

My plan is to have an engagement party, bridal shower, and wedding and register for all three (okay - not actually - but I know someone who did that - think of the gifts!)


Kirst said...

I agree with the $50-$100 gift amount. If you were in the wedding party and the maid of honour or something like that it would be different. Or if you were family, then you could give more. It doesn't hurt to generous though. Give what you feel is appropriate and can afford. Look forward to seeing you in about a month.

Anonymous said...

if you can't afford to get to the wedding, you certainly can't afford a 200 gift.
and i think you should buy whatever you want for them regardless of a price, if you go. sometimes a 25 cent record is better then the record player to play it on (put THAT in a hallmark card, baby).
no for real though.
and seriously, i hate halmark, so don't actually.