Tuesday, July 29, 2008

the problems of a 20something: Problem #137

It is easy and sometimes fun to be judgmental. However, the older I get the more I realize how destructive it can be.

So the other day I was talking to someone who said something quite judgmental.

Later I relayed the judgmental comment to Devin in a highly judgmental way. So it then occurred to me that not only was I being judgmental, but in being judgmental about someone else being judgmental I was also being a hypocrite. And isn't it worse to be judgmental AND a hypocrite than just to be judgmental?

Is the solution that I should embrace being judgmental in order to avoid being a hypocrite?

Quote of the Day: If you don't have anything nice to say, come sit by me -Dorothy Parker

1 comment:

lu said...

this reminds me of when i had a women's studies prof say that she was having trouble not being tolerant to other people's intolerances. i sort of agree with her though and would probably have reacted the same way you did with the judgement.