Monday, September 18, 2006


well folks, it's that time of year again.

the new television season.

my plans for this viewing season are Grey's Anatomy and Studio Sixty on the Sunset Strip.

seeing as the former hasn't aired yet, let me say why I am planning on watching the latter.

two words: aaron sorkin.

for those of you who do not know who aaron sorkin is - he is a genius. He was the creator of Sports Night, which (for those of you who do not know), was a very funny, ABC, half-hour, laugh-track-less comedy show, which first brought the beautiful and talented Feclicity Huffman into homes across America. He is also the creator of the West Wing (brilliant!) and wrote the screenplay (and possibly the play-play) for a Few Good Men - which is, without a doubt, one of my favourite moives of all time. He has fabulous ideas, dialougue, employs brilliant actors and I will jump on any aaron sorkin television bandwagon until such time that I have reason to jump off.

secondary viewing: House, Smith, Ugly Betty (i'm hearing good things people), and of course the Daily Show and the Colbert Report. Of course, for the most part I will be spending my life NOT watching t.v., but that is all the more reason to take time to chose wisely with what I will watch.


Anonymous said...

love it.
i also want to watch that "brothers and sisters" show - it has quite a cast. and then there's the ally mcbeal new show.. unless of course that is the brothers and sisters show and then i just know nothing.
one word: GREY's - thursdays. i'm totally going to have grey's parties. i think everyone needs to sit down together and watch it. i really do.
as for too much tv watching, as long as you make choices and don't just watch it mindlessly i figure its ok. i hope i'm right.

Anonymous said...

well - brothers and sisters stars calista flockhart (among others) so there is that link to ally mcbeal...

and just think - you get to watch grey's three hours before I do. aren't you lucky!

Anonymous said...

by ally mcbeal i definetly meant calista flockhart :)
ok and now that its settled i will watch both shows on thursdays.
my mouse broke again. what the eff.

Anonymous said...

no no. I totally agree. super original and hillarious. I really liked it. the reason for my love of the show went beyond the casting :)