Monday, May 26, 2008

Reflections from the Highway

There were three things that I noticed time and time again while driving up the Oregon Coast Highway.

1) Espresso. Everywhere served espresso. Gas stations had giant "espresso" signs. And there were all these little shacks serving espresso. We're talking the size of a small bedroom or large bathroom. Just randomly up and down the highway. Serving espresso.

2) Signs selling things and liquor. We saw:
a) Gifts and Liquor
b) Pharamacy and Liquor
c) Herbal Apothocary and Liquor

3) Tsunami Zone! We must have entered and exited more than a dozen Tsunami warning zones. You are driving along and all of a sudden you at risk of death from a giant tidal wave! And then, 10 miles down the road, the risk passes. Only to re-emerge 15 miles later. Although the further North we go the more prepared they were. On top of the Tsunami Zone signs they had arrows pointing in the direction of Tsunami escape routes. Maybe you had to be there.

Run Little Man, Run!

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