Monday, December 17, 2007

7 random things

1) I think my parents are absolutely fabulous.

2) I rarely wear make-up - even though I think I look better and older when I do.

3) If I had been born five years earlier I think I would have been super into grunge music and culture.

4) I am a feminist.

5) I want to try new things and I am scared to try new things in equal measure.

6) I think advertising and branding are far more interesting than marketing.

7) Despite the Law and Order coolness factor, I don't actually want Fred Dalton Thompson to be the next president of the United States. Sam Waterson on the other hand....


Anonymous said...

How about Eric Peterson (aka Leon from Street Legal and Oscar from Corner Gas) for prime minister of Canada?

liz said...

Oh. My. God. Genius!