Wednesday, April 25, 2007

T minus three days

I am currently on hold with telus and there is no music, no automated voice thanking me for waiting, nothing. It's a little disconcerting.

Last night I watched the Gilmore Girls. I don't watch it regularly, but I have a pretty good idea of what is going on. Anyways - last night's episode really spoke to me. On three levels in fact. On the Rory level, the Paris level and the Lorelei (sp?) level - which is pretty close to be all the levels.

Today is more packing. pack pack pack. This morning I had coffee with my friend Steph. She is leaving today for Vancouver. I gave her all the liquour I had in my house. Which was a lot - a lot because I rarely drink and people have given me liquour as gifts - not because I drink a lot so I have a lot :)

still on hold. still silent. still disconcerted.


Alex said...

i still can't believe its time for you to leave already.

i also watched gilmore girls - but while we were talking, so not too intently :)

Kirst said...

I love gilmore girls. I make everybody watch it during Tuesdy night dinner.