Saturday, December 02, 2006

Stephane Dion

he has good policies
he is bilingual
he cares about the environment

he will not inspire new left voters
he will not inspire new right voters
(so bascially - he will not inspire)
he is boring (also maybe a pro?)

I feel like with this election nothing has changed, and I am not excited at all about the liberal party or canadian politics in general. And I think now, Elizabeth May is probably my favourite national leader.

my personal order of Liberal leadship candidates
1) MHF, 2) BR, 3) GK, 4) SB and SD, 5) KD, 6) MI, 7) JV (who I detest)


Anonymous said...

The only reason MHF is first on your list is because she is a woman. It has nothing to do with her ability as a politician.

liz said...

That is completely true. And I think there should be more women and politics, so women become part of the norm, rather than the exception. I also found her quite charismatic. However, if she had seriously been in the running than I would have had to taken a more nuanced position.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth May's position on women's reproductive rights is pretty troubling, though.

Alex said...

the green party's policies certainly look wonderful on paper, but they seem rather unrealistic:

"eliminate systematic health inequities", "ensure clean water by 2008", "implement affordable housing"

How exactly will they do these things? plus their policies on quebec and on climate change ( are very limited.

elizabeth may though is cool

i wanted bob rae to win, but i am happy that ignatineff did not.
did you see when jean chretien tried to make a joke about steven harper and bush? - he's a weird guy.

liz said...

Using google I found a reference to EM and reproductive rights - but I am hestiant to judge based on one article from an uncredited newsource - though what I came def. raised some red flags.

I just don't know how I feel about Jack Layton (I go back and forth) and clearly neither SD or Stephen Harper can be my favourite - but I guess now EM can't be either. Sigh. Obama in Ottawa in 2008? seems unlikely...

Alex said...

clearly i am bad at googling - i can't find anything about EM. (whoa, those are your initials)
i didn't finish my paper :(
but then brothers and sisters was a rerun, it was a disappointing nite after i talked to you
0.5 page to go, then conclusion, goooo monday morning fun!!

--Nathan-- said...

not to start a wildfire or anything (i never do that) i honestly dont understand why some people dislike the current cons. party so much. agreed i'd like to see them address more enviromental issues rather than turning their back to it but on the whole i think they are doing a great job.

Anonymous said...

I think the reason that people dislike the conservatives is that they know the party is doing a better job than the Chretien and Martin governments. They also think that just because the conservatives have closer ties to the american republican party than the democrats, that must mean that Harper is in Bush's backpocket. I personally think that the Canadian conservative party, with enivronment issues aside, are just like the american democrats not the republicans. Canadian liberals and conservatives are generally just off of center on the political scale, and for the most part are not that far apart.