Saturday, August 12, 2006

little miss popularity

today when i got home I had three messages on my answering machine. THREE!! and only one was from my mother.


Heather said...

I love it when I have voicemails... I somehow feel a little more loved. Except my problem is that most of them are from my dad, who says "this is your dad" as if I didn't know, talks for at least 2 minutes, and then at the end leaves his phone number "just in case I forgot it". And normally I'm listening to them when I'm away, so it costs me long distance. Oh parents.

Anonymous said...

my dad does that too. :)
LIZ, i'm calling you and youre not responding so i'm writing on your blog in the hopes you are reading your own blog while talking on the phone, like i do
call me with teh gossip before 10 my time (tuesday)