Sunday, June 04, 2006

On standing in line at Yorkdale.


This is my latest brilliant thought (I know... there are so many it can be hard to keep track on them all... but try to keep up).

The other day I was standing in line at Sephora when I noticed a quite stylish young lady (18 or 19) in line behind me. After spending 3-4 seconds wishing that I was stylish something occured to me. Looking back on the past 20-some years of my life - there is not a single moment that when I reflect back I think "gosh, if only I had been more stylishly dressed that moment in my life would have been better"

It was not have made the amazing moments more amazing or the depressing moments less depressing. There are moments when I looked amazing and was horribly sad, and moments where I looked boring or dowdy where I was as happy as could be.

The moral of this story I feel to be fairly self-evident, and it's not really new or orginal - but I still felt it worth recounting because of how suprising yet obvious I found this revelation to be.


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